Bulletin: 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time 6/9/24


39 West 200 South, Kanab UT 84741

Office: (435) 644-3414 [Please leave a message and we will respond as quickly as possible]


WEBSITE: kanabcatholicchurch.org

Sacramental Minister Rev. Richard T. Sherman, Kanab, UT

SATURDAY VIGIL MASS  5:30 PM (Suspended Indefinitely)




NOTE: If you have a sacramental emergency after parish office hours, please call 435-673-2604 for assistance.

Social Hour after Sunday Mass – Coffee, juice and bagels or muffins are served up along with some fabulous conversation.

Congratulations to Dale and Nancy Doerschuk from Paris, Ohio on their 50th Wedding Anniversary!! 

Adam and Eve are from Eden: Thursdays 5:00 PM.  June 13, 20.  For this Thursday, please read Chapter 7 and maybe 8. 

Our next OPEN-DOOR SATURDAY is June 15, 2024 from 10:00 AM-Noon.  If you have friends or relatives that are interested in the Catholic faith, or are thinking of returning to the Church, please tell them about us and have them stop by. We would love to meet with them!  OPEN DOOR is scheduled every first and third Saturday of the month.

FINANCIAL REPORT:  June 9, 2024: Offertory: $1300; Donations Mail: $190; R&I:  $315.

You can also donate on-line at kanabcatholicchurch.org

Development Drive (DDD) for 2024.  We’ve stalled out a bit.  Our goal this year is once again $8800.  We have $5910 pledged with $4437 paid in!!  Ten households have participated.  PLEASE JUMP IN AND JOIN THE FUN!!  Thank you all who have already given so generosity.

PRAY FOR HEALING:  Doug Ingram, Eva Montelongo, Victims of Natural Disasters, Warfare Casualties. Our Wounded Veterans.  If you have specific prayer requests, please leave us a phone message or send us an email.  We will get your intentions on the list.  We also remember all the sick and infirm at our daily Masses.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Thursday from 4 to 5:00 PM.

Community Rosary:  After the Monday morning Mass

Religious Items:  While enjoying the fabulous conversation and refreshments during our social hour, take some time and browse our extensive selection of religious gifts including some amazing CLOSEOUT SPECIALS. 

Parish Breakfast – Next Sunday after Morning Mass : The Roundtable Knights will serve Breakfast on June 16th, Father’s Day, for all Parishioners and Visitors:  We hoped this breakfast might happen on Mothers’ Day, but schedules did not work out.  Mea Copa!   All men from the Church are invited to help the Knights.  Contact Mike Bzdewka about exciting volunteer opportunities. Breakfast is Free!

Welcome Kenneth Parsad, Seminarian for the Diocese of Salt Lake City!  Kenneth has recently moved to Utah from the Philippines where he has already completed the majority of his seminary studies.  In the fall he will resume his studies at Mt. Angel Seminary in Oregon.

Weekly Prayer for Vocations

Father, we’re your people, the work of your hands.

So precious are we in your sight that you sent your Son, Jesus.

Jesus calls us to heal the broken-hearted,

to dry the tears of those who mourn, to give hope to those who despair,

and to rejoice in your steadfast love.

We, the baptized, realize our call to serve.

Help us to know how.

Call forth from among us priests, sisters, brothers and lay ministers.

With our hearts you continue to love your people.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God forever and ever.


From the Salt Lake Diocese Office of Safe Environment

“Families need to know that the Church is making every effort to protect their children. They should also know that they have every right to turn to the Church with full confidence, for it is a safe and secure home. Consequently, priority must not be given to any other kind of concern, whatever its nature, such as the desire to avoid scandal, since there is absolutely no place in ministry for those who abuse minors.”  Pope Francis (2/2/2015)


“All battles are first won or lost in the mind.”    St. Joan of Arc