Fr. Rick’s Pastoral Messages 1-22-23
Memorial Bell Ringing throughout Utah: On January 25th at 1:00pm there will be a memorial bell ringing at the Capitol for approximately 30 minutes memorializing the pre-born lives lost since the Utah Abortion Trigger Law was enjoined (approximately 2000 babies as of this event) after the overturning of Roe V. Wade. Pro-Life Utah is inviting an ecumenical bell ringing to take place throughout the state for any churches or cathedrals with bells to join in this bell ringing. Listen for the bells in Kanab at 1:00pm on January 25th.
A New Home for Our Old Altar
This past week our old altar was donated and delivered to St. Peter’s Catholic Church in American Fork. The donation included the old baptismal font, altar candles and several candelabra which were scattered around 3 buildings and 4 locations here at St. Christopher’s. It was wonderful to make this placement before damage or significant weathering would occur. A special HUGE thank you to Noel and Mary Poe for making that delivery and also to Cynthia and Mark Gallatin for helping with the loading. Both couples will receive free coffee and extra frosting on their pastry of choice after Mass on Sunday.
Banquet of Love
Join Jim and Maureen Otremba in this Introduction Course and discover how each and every Eucharist can truly transform your marriage!
- Learn how the Holy Spirit put this curriculum on Jim and Maureen’s hearts in 1993.
- Discover how each Eucharist offers us eight powerful forms of intimacy – the “Foundational Intimacies.”
- Learn how these eight foundational intimacies offer a specific road map to transform our marriages.
Please consider signing up for this FREE weekly online retreat that will help us understand the Eucharist in a very practical way in the relationships that actually affect us the most. You can log on today for the first session. It’s often said that as marriage goes, usually so goes the family and so goes the society. This is a big contribution to the culture of life and light that our grandchildren inherit.
Hospitality: Remember that we are a ‘Hospitality Parish’ with a major outreach to our many visitors. Please sign up to help host our Sunday morning Coffee and Muffin gathering. Sign up list is in the gathering space. We are also hosting each other AND WE DESERVE IT!
Homily Reflection Questions:
As People of the LIGHT, what is the nature of the darkness we are called to dispel? In our personal lives? In our family? Parish? Neighborhood? State and nation?
Consider the ever-accelerating levels of gun violence that continues locally and nationally. What is the real underlying problem?
We have had nearly 2000 abortions in Utah since the post Row vs. Wade trigger law took effect last June. What is the real underlying cause of unwanted and minimally cared for children?
How can we share with younger people stories of the different transitional conversions we have had over the years?
What bad habit might I leave behind starting this month?