Bulletin: 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time 6/25/23
39 West 200 South, Kanab UT 84741
Office: (435) 644-3414 [Please leave a message and we will respond as quickly as possible]
WEBSITE: kanabcatholicchurch.org
Sacramental Minister Rev. Richard T. Sherman, Kanab, UT
SATURDAY VIGIL MASS 5:30 PM (Suspended Indefinitely)
NOTE: If you have a sacramental emergency after parish office hours, please call 435-673-2604 for assistance.
Our next OPEN-DOOR SATURDAY is July 1, 2023 from 10:00 AM-Noon. If you have friends or relatives that are interested in the Catholic faith, or are thinking of returning to the Church, please tell them about us and have them stop by. We would love to meet with them! OPEN DOOR is scheduled every first and third Saturday of the month.
FINANCIAL REPORT June 18, 2023 – Offertory: $1762; R&I: $25. THANK YOU!!
You can also donate on-line at kanabcatholicchurch.org
Diocesan Development Drive – Well into this season’s drive we have achieved the following results. Please respond as soon as possible so we can focus on other things. Our parish goal this year is $8,800 and we have already paid in $3896 with an additional $1233 pledged: 58%. 12 out of a total 55 households have participated. Thank you!
PRAY FOR HEALING: Hank Willard, Doug Ingram, Nancy Lefort, Mara Paine, Bill Thielmann, Laura Olson, Linda Terrant, Bruce Barrons, Ethel Sherwood, Kristine Owens, Caroline Harvey, Howard Austin, Jose Hernandez, Tom Greenwald, Victims of Natural Disasters. Our Wounded Veterans. If you have specific prayer requests, please leave us a phone message or send us an email. We will get your intentions on the list. We also remember all the sick and infirm at our daily Masses.
Social Hour after Sunday Mass – Coffee, juice and bagels or muffins are served up along with some fabulous conversation.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Thursday from 4:00 to 5:00 PM. Please JOIN US ESPECIALLY THROUGHOUT THE MONTH LEADING UP TO THE RALLY. ↓
Diocesan Eucharistic Revival – July 9. Save the Date: Diocesan Mass and Gathering. Mountain America Expo Center, Sandy, UT. The Keynote at the Rally starts at 9:30 AM and Mass at 2:00 PM. See the day’s schedule and other specifics at https://www.dioslc.org/eucharistic-revival/morning-rally-mass
Community Rosary: Following the Monday morning Mass
“True perfection consists in having but one fear: the fear of losing God’s friendship.”
St. Gregory of Nyssa
July 8-9: Mass on Saturday the 8th at 5:00 PM. No Mass on Sunday the 9th. Fr. Rick will be in St. George on the 9th.
It’s worth making a last pitch for local Catholics to attend this Eucharistic Rally as it might be a chance of a lifetime. While conversions and lives of discipleship are often very arduous, there are examples of Eucharistic miracles that can promote life-altering changes of perspective and vision almost instantly. This might just be such a life-altering event. Think and pray about it this week. See website elsewhere in this bulletin.
Peter’s Pence this Week. “The faithful’s offerings to the Holy Father through the Peter’s Pence Collection are destined to Church needs, to humanitarian initiatives and social promotion projects, as well as to the support of the Holy See.”
● Respect Life Parish Action Guide
● Religious Freedom Week: June 22-June 29th
Religious Freedom Week 2023: Embracing the Divine Gift of Freedom takes place from June 22 to 29. The Week begins with the Feast of Ss. John Fisher and Thomas More, includes the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and ends with the Solemnity of Ss. Peter and Paul. During Religious Freedom Week, Catholics are encouraged to pray and act each day for religious freedom.
Knights of Columbus meet today after Mass in the library.
Fr. Rick’s Pastoral Messages 6/25/23
Examples of Radical Lifestyle Changes and Missions by Catholic Saints:
The Long Loneliness, by Dorothy Day. The autobiography of a (fairly) recent American convert, social activist and traditional Catholic. A ‘modern Jeremiah’.
Also consider exploring the life stories of other great saints who made huge lifestyle and relationship changes with their conversions and new ministries.
Francis of Assisi
Elizabeth of Hungary
Elizabeth Ann Seton
Catherine Drexel
Homily Reflection:
It’s natural to get all types of complaints and critiques amidst our practice of the faith. The call to follow Jesus is so radically different than anything else, that it’s easy to get lukewarm after a while if we are not specifically focused on a mission that leads to closer community life and ongoing conversion. As faith builds God sends more challenges as that is what continues to strengthen faith. The life of discipleship provides endless challenges to stretch and walk into the unknown.
What has been the reaction from loved ones, colleagues and friends as we have progressed through our lives of committed discipleship?
What new friends have we developed? How have they helped to sharpen our focus identify different talents that God has given us?
How might we have helped others realize their new talents, charisms and ministries?