Bulletin – August 2, 2020, Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
AUGUST 2, 2020 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Psalm 70 (69):2, 6 O God, come to my assistance; O Lord, make haste to help me! You are my rescuer, […]
Catholic Church
AUGUST 2, 2020 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Psalm 70 (69):2, 6 O God, come to my assistance; O Lord, make haste to help me! You are my rescuer, […]
Fr. Rick’s Pastoral Messages for 7-30-20 1/ Marriage and Eucharist: Please take some time to consider the resources recently placed on the St. Christopher’s website concerning the Sacrament of Matrimony, […]
JULY 26, 2020 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME cf. Psalm 68 (67):6-7, 36 God is in his holy place, God who unites those who dwell in his house; he […]
Fr. Rick’s Pastoral Messages for 7-23-20 1/ Marriage and Eucharist: Please take some time to consider the resources recently placed on the St. Christopher’s website concerning the Sacrament of Matrimony, […]
Unprecedented times lead to unprecedented need, which leads to unprecedented Love, Unity, and Generosity. Now more than ever our Church needs your support. Join the Mission of Christ in Utah, and help us […]
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time A – Fr. Rick Sherman Wis. 12:13, 16-19; Rom. 8:26-27; Mt 13:24-43 July 19, 2020 In this week’s gospel Jesus is depicted as the sower […]
Here is a summary of the Catholic Church’s reiteration of the meaning of sex and marriage. http://usccb.org/issues-and-action/marriage-and-family/marriage/promotion-and-defense-of-marriage/upload/usccb-key-truths-bulletin-insert-for-bostock-20200614.pdf
On this link you can find a thorough explanation of the spirituality and theology of Natural Family Planning. This is a good supplement to Sunday’s homily which addresses this teaching […]
1/ The latest directive from Bishop Solis regarding the wearing of masks at Catholic churches in Utah is that everyone but the liturgical ministers at the Mass MUST WEAR A […]