Bulletin: 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2/11/24
39 West 200 South, Kanab UT 84741
Office: (435) 644-3414 [Please leave a message and we will respond as quickly as possible]
WEBSITE: kanabcatholicchurch.org
Sacramental Minister: Rev. Richard T. Sherman, Kanab, UT
SATURDAY VIGIL MASS 5:30 PM (Suspended Indefinitely)
NOTE: If you have a sacramental emergency after parish office hours, please call 435-673-2604 for assistance.
Lent begins February 14 with Ash Wednesday
Mass with ashes will be offered at 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM. There will also be a short Liturgy of the Word with ashes at 12:00 Noon.
Stations of the Cross: Fridays during Lent at 6:00 PM
There seems to be an especially dire need in the world these days to make more room for God in our lives. Fasting is an essential part of emptying ourselves, so this might be a good time to consider our physical limitations before making a Lenten commitment.
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fasting and abstinence. This means only one full meal, nothing between meals and up to 2 teeny weeny meals. No meat on these two days.
All Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence from meat.
Of course, if you have health concerns that might be aggravated by the Lenten dietary rules, go with your doctors’ recommendations.
PLEASE GIVE US ALL YOUR MONEY (It might seem like it, right?).
Remember that alms giving (with prayer and fasting) is a major emphasis during Lent.
February 14 Church in Central/Eastern Europe (Ash Wed) See insert.
— February 18 Black & Indian Missions (U.S.)
— March 10 Catholic Relief Services
— March 24 Holy Land (Palm Sunday)
Also, you should have already received your requests in the mail to donate once again to the annual Bishops’ Appeal, a.k.a., the Diocesan Development Drive (DDD) for 2024. Our goal this year is once again $8800. We already have $2160 pledged and paid in!!
Thank you all in advance for your usual and extraordinary generosity.
National Marriage Week: February 7 to 14.
- The “For Your Marriage.org” website has a host of resources including
- At-Home Couples’ Retreat in English and Spanish – https://www.usccb.org/resources/national-marriage-week-2024-home-marriage-retreat
- Fortifying Couples & Families Video Series – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpTzvCOJa7DBrrain389V3gsx2v2mVQHM
Social Hour after Sunday Mass – Coffee, juice and bagels or muffins are served up along with some fabulous conversation. Sundays during Lent will be less sugar intensive, but the conversation and coffee will remain fabulous!
Our next OPEN-DOOR SATURDAY is February 17, 2024 from 10:00 AM-Noon. If you have friends or relatives that are interested in the Catholic faith, or are thinking of returning to the Church, please tell them about us and have them stop by. We would love to meet with them! OPEN DOOR is scheduled every first and third Saturday of the month.
FINANCIAL REPORT: February 4, 2024: Offertory: $1300; R&I: $190; Mail-in Donations: $125. Thank You!!
You can also donate on-line at kanabcatholicchurch.org
PRAY FOR HEALING: Doug Ingram, Don Hodgkins, Linda Bevins. Victims of Natural Disasters, Warfare Casualties. Our Wounded Veterans. If you have specific prayer requests, please leave us a phone message or send us an email. We will get your intentions on the list. We also remember all the sick and infirm at our daily Masses.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Thursday from 4 to 5:00 PM.
Community Rosary: After the Monday morning Mass
Kane County Active Living Center: Check out the flyer in the gathering space for a variety of activities for active seniors.
Religious Items: While enjoying the fabulous conversation and refreshments during our social hour, take some time and browse our extensive selection of religious gifts including some CLOSEOUT SPECIALS.
Spiritual Reading – After buying 37 items from our gift store, slide on over to our spacious and well-organized library and pick out some spiritual reading for your Lenten reflections.
Weekly prayer for Vocations from the Diocesan Office of Vocations
Almighty and everlasting God,
by whose Spirit the whole body of the Church is governed and sanctified:
hear our prayer which we offer for all your faithful people,
that in their vocation and ministry they may serve you
in holiness and truth to the glory of your name;
through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
who is alive and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever.
Vocation Vocabulary:
Vows: Formal commitments made to God to follow Jesus in his poverty, chastity, and obedience as members of religious communities.
The vow of poverty means that members hold all things in common. The community takes care of each other’s needs through the providence of God and our charity.
The vow of chastity means that the member gives up the goods of marriage and marital relations for the sake of God’s kingdom.
The vow of obedience allows the member of the community to imitate and share in Jesus ‘ obedience to His Father to accomplish His will. (Diocesan priests promise to live in celibate chastity, obedience to their bishop, and a simple life.)
From <https://vocationministry.com/parish-3/phase-i/#phase-i-2-6>
Homily Reflection Questions:
Scripture scholar, John Bergsma, in a commentary for today’s readings states that, “Leprosy disrupted community with God and Man…. Sin is a clinging contagion that contaminates the sinner and those he contacts. Sin destroys human relationships and our communion with God. Sin is a spiritual leprosy.”
How might I have disrupted community with God or other people by clinging to sinful attitudes and behaviors (contagions)?
When have I felt like an ‘outcast’ and how did Jesus call me back to life and community? Who did God send to help guide me back to healthy and holy relationships? How have I helped other ‘outcasts’ return to community?
“There is no saint without a past, no sinner without a future.” St. Augustine