Bulletin, April 26, 2020 Third Sunday of Easter
APRIL 26, 2020 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER cf. Psalm 66 (65):1-2 Cry out with joy to God, all the earth; O sing to the glory of his name. O render him glorious praise, alleluia. |
39 West 200 South
Kanab UT 84741
(435) 644-3414
(Monday – Friday 8:00AM – 2:30PM)
Sacramental Minister
Rev. Richard T. Sherman
Kanab UT
Updates and details can be found on our website.
In times when our country is so passionately divided that people are prone to dismissing the views of others as ignorant or even evil, the disciple’s journey to Emmaus may be a message for us. When the “stranger” joins them, they are appalled that he does not know what has been going on, but they do not turn away from him. They explain their views of recent events and, perhaps more importantly, they listen to what the stranger has to say. Because of their openness, they see things in a new light. How open are you to listening to the views of others and considering their opinions? Can you step back from the rhetoric that makes objective discussion impossible? Are you willing to take a look at the facts, or do you just rely on your feelings?
Keep me, O God, for in you I take refuge.
-PSALM 16:1
FINANCIAL REPORT FOR APRIL 19, 2020: Offertory $545. Easter $290. Donations Mail $35. Renovations & Improvements $30. CRS Rice Bowl $141.23. Gift Shop $4.00. Total: $1,045.23.
END OF MARCH 2020: Income: $8,056.94 – Expenses: $5,751.71 = Difference $2,302.23.
PRAY FOR THE SICK: Please offer your prayers and your special intentions for: Barbara Burgess, Roberta Champlin, Denise Drinkwater, Nancy Goebel, Sandra Kirkland, Patti Lindh, Nathan Lynch, Louann Marocchi, Tom McDonnell, Aileen Norton, Jim Prag, Michael Ramirez, George Reese, Lucy Sanders, Linda & Kenny Spencer, Laurel Steele, Peter Stephan, George Strutzel, Linda Tarrant, Barbara Walk, Debbie Wentz, those who are ill with COVID-19, and especially for our Service men and women and their families.
This week we are asked to support the Catholic Home Missions Appeal. Right now, over 40% of dioceses in the United States are considered mission territories because they are unable to fund essential pastoral work needed in their communities. Your support funds religious education, seminary formation, lay ministry training, and other programs that build vibrant faith communities right here in the United States. Please be generous. More information can be found at www.usccb.org/home-missions.
SAFE ENVIRONMENT ANNOUNCEMENT: The Catholic Diocese is committed to protecting children and young people. If you are aware of abuse or have been abused by clerics, Church volunteers or Church workers, contact the Division of Child & Family Services at
1-855-323-3237. For pastoral assistance contact the Diocesan Pastoral Center at 801-328-8641.