Bulletin – July 5, 2020, Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

JULY 5, 2020 FOURTEENTH SUNDAY   IN ORDINARY TIME     cf. Psalm 48 (47):10-11 Your merciful love, O God, we have received in the midst of your temple. Your praise, O God, like your name, reaches the ends of the earth; your right hand is filled with saving justice.  



39 West 200 South

Kanab UT 84741

(435) 644-3414

Office Hours

Monday – Friday, 8:00AM – 2:30PM




Please check our website regularly      for updated protocols and information

Sacramental Minister

Rev. Richard T. Sherman

Kanab UT

** See back of bulletin for Mass protocols


5:30 PM


9:00 AM   



8:00 AM


MASS PROTOCOL UPDATES AS OF JUNE 19, 2020:  St. Christopher’s will offer Mass for 25-28 persons at each Mass. We will continue to celebrate Mass at 8:00 AM Monday through Saturday. Sunday Masses will be celebrated at the 5:30 PM Saturday Vigil, and the Mass on Sunday at 9:00 AM. All persons are required to wear a mask when entering and exiting the Mass, but it may be removed when seated at a safe six-foot distance from other attendees. As per our most recent guidelines from the Salt Lake City Diocese, it is recommended that masks be worn throughout the Mass for optimal safety. Any Mass that you attend during the week will satisfy your Sunday obligation. As always, the greatest concern is for each person’s health and safety, thus it is up to each person to make the decision that is best for them and the community. There will be no gathering before or after Mass; safe distancing guidelines of six feet between persons are even more important during these relaxed rules. Please consult our website or call the parish office with any questions. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

On Independence Day, as we celebrate our freedom, let us not forget to thank all those who fought and sacrificed for our country to give us this day. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JUNE 28, 2020:  Offertory $1,698 / Donations Mail $35 / Peter’s Pence Collection (20-2202) $451.00 /  Navajo Charity donations $200  = Total: $2,384.

MAY 2020:  Income $19,100.26 – Expenses $7,197.73 = $11,902.53 Difference.  (Income includes special $11,800 donation for rectory renovation and $1600 related expenses)

We will be accepting donations towards our Renovations and Improvements Fund. Use your numbered gold envelopes for this specific collection. There will be a separate collection basket at the back of the church for these donations. Your support means so much!

There are July-September 2020 editions of the Living Faith/La Fe Viva daily Catholic devotions booklets available in the gathering hall.

PRAY FOR THE SICK:  Please offer your prayers and your special intentions for: Barbara Burgess, Roberta Champlin, Denise Drinkwater, Nancy Goebel, Sandra Kirkland, Patti Lindh, Nathan Lynch, Louann Marocchi, Tom McDonnell, Aileen Norton, Jim Prag, Michael Ramirez, George Reese, Lucy Sanders, Linda & Kenny Spencer, Laurel Steele, Peter Stephan, George Strutzel, Linda Tarrant, Barbara Walk, Debbie Wentz, those who are ill with COVID-19, and especially for our Service men and women and their families.