Bulletin – May 3, 2020, Fourth Sunday of Easter
MAY 3, 2020 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER cf. Psalm 33 (32):5-6 The merciful love of the Lord fills the earth; by the word of the Lord the heavens were made, alleluia. |
39 West 200 South
Kanab UT 84741
(435) 644-3414
(Monday – Friday 8:00AM – 2:30PM)
Sacramental Minister
Rev. Richard T. Sherman
Kanab UT
Updates and details can be found on our website.
Following Jesus’ example is not easy. He did what was right even if others disagreed with him. He did not exchange insults with those who sought to put him down and harm him nor did he threaten to retaliate. How do you respond to those who disagree with you or seek to do you harm? Do you seek to “get back” at those you regard as your enemies? Do you strive to treat everyone with dignity and respect regardless of who they are or what they believe? Do you try to not only forgive those who try to hurt you but make an effort to treat them kindly and with respect?
Only goodness and kindness
follow me all the days of my life.
-PSALM 23:6
FINANCIAL REPORT FOR APRIL 26, 2020: Offertory $1,320. Donations Mail $10. Renovations & Improvements $20. Building Fund Pledge $25. Home Mission Sunday (20-2231) $35. Total: $1,410.
Saint Christopher Catholic Church received a generous gift from the estate of Father John B. Hart in the amount of $2,283.50. Fr. Hart was our pastor from 2002-2003 and passed away on July 27, 2018. He was beloved by our parishioners during his assignment with us. Thank you, Father, for remembering us; we will never forget you.
END OF MARCH 2020: Income: $8,056.94 – Expenses: $5,751.71 = Difference $2,302.23.
PRAY FOR THE SICK: Please offer your prayers and your special intentions for: Barbara Burgess Roberta Champlin, Denise Drinkwater, Nancy Goebel, Sandra Kirkland, Patti Lindh, Nathan Lynch, Louann Marocchi, Tom McDonnell, Aileen Norton, Jim Prag, Michael Ramirez, George Reese, Lucy Sanders, Linda & Kenny Spencer, Laurel Steele, Peter Stephan, George Strutzel, Linda Tarrant, Barbara Walk, Debbie Wentz, those who are ill with COVID-19, and especially for our Service men and women and their families.
If you have not yet donated to the Catholic Home Missions Appeal, it is not too late. Over 40% of dioceses in the United States are considered mission territories because they are unable to fund essential pastoral work needed in their communities. Your support funds religious education, seminary formation, lay ministry training, and other programs that build vibrant faith communities right here in the United States. Please be generous. More information can be found at www.usccb.org/home-missions.
This Sunday is the first Sunday of the month when we accept donations towards our RENOVATIONS & IMPROVEMENTS FUND. Use your gold numbered envelopes or mark a plain envelope with your contribution. We are so thankful for your support!