Bulletin: The Epiphany of the Lord 1/5/25


39 West 200 South, Kanab UT 84741

Office: (435) 644-3414 [Please leave a message and we will respond as quickly as possible]


WEBSITE: kanabcatholicchurch.org

Sacramental Minister: Rev. Richard T. Sherman, Kanab, UT

SATURDAY VIGIL MASS  5:30 PM (Suspended Indefinitely)




NOTE: If you have a sacramental emergency after parish office hours, please call 435-673-2604 for assistance.

Social Hour after Sunday Mass – Coffee, juice and bagels or muffins are served up along with some fabulous conversation.  No social hour after Christmas Masses.

Our next OPEN-DOOR SATURDAY is January 18, 2025 from 10:00 AM-Noon.  If you have friends or relatives that are interested in the Catholic faith, or are thinking of returning to the Church, please tell them about us and have them stop by. We would love to meet with them!  OPEN DOOR is scheduled every first and third Saturday of the month.

FINANCIAL REPORT:  December 29, 2024: Offertory: $1141 (includes $385 applied to Community Outreach Account); Donations Mail: $200; Christmas: $1505 and counting). Thank you!

You can also donate on-line at kanabcatholicchurch.org

Diocesan Development Drive (DDD) for 2024. Our goal this year of $8800 gas been met and exceeded.  Total Collected: $10,265. Thank you!

PRAY FOR HEALING:  Eva Montelongo, Billy Rosenkranz, George Reese, Dusty Reese, Sergio Olvera, Our Wounded Veterans.  If you have specific prayer requests, please leave us a phone message or send us an email.  We will get your intentions on the list.  We also remember all the sick and infirm at our daily Masses.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Thursday from 4 to 5:00 PM.

SEEK Conference:  Thanks to all who attended our local viewing of the SEEK live-streamed opening prayer by Bishop Solis and Keynote address by Fr. Mike Schmitz.

Fr. Mike challenged us to really imagine ourselves sitting face to face with Jesus in person.  Remember, Jesus is very perceptive and can see deep into our innermost being.  He can see the image of God in us and can also see all the confusion, distortion and ailments that keep us from knowing Him more personally and also knowing each other personally.  How does it really feel to have Jesus look at us with His KNOWING gaze?  Do we fidget and shift around as we are exposed to ourselves?  Do we feel all the compassion that Jesus conveys despite our many distortions and ailments.  Try this for 30 to 60 minutes on Thursdays from 4 to 5 PM during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.  Feel the freedom and the LOVE!

Community Rosary:  After the Monday morning Mass

Religious Items:  While enjoying the fabulous conversation and refreshments during our social hour, take some time and browse our extensive selection of religious gifts including some amazing sale items. 

Knight’s Meeting on 1/12/2025:  This is a planning meeting & we need all Knights at this meeting for your input.  If there are any Parish men that are interested in what the Knights do at the meeting, you are welcome to come.  The meeting will last between 30 & 60 minutes and is held in THE LIBRARY after Mass. You can get a cup of coffee and snack, but hurry to the library so we can start on time.  If you have any questions, ask Mike Bzdewka or Noel Poe.

Gentlemen:  Check Out https://exodus90.com/ and standby for more info.  Just a click away on our website bulletin.  REALLY, CHECK IT OUT.  Now that we are through Advent and well into Christmas Season, we see more clearly the needs of our Church, our nation and our world.  If Jesus is not kidding when He sends us out at the end of each Mass to teach the nations to obey everything that He taught us, if Isaiah was not kidding when he tells Jerusalem (and we the new Jerusalem), that “Nations shall walk by your light, and kings by your shining radiance,” then we should get prepared for the mission.  Click above.

Bible Study:  Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible

This is an 8-Session study of the 14 ‘narrative’ books of the Bible. It is a very efficient method of studying the central story of the Bible using a color-coded timeline chart and 30-minute videos.  About 15 people participated in this study about 3 years ago here at St. Christopher’s and really enjoyed it.  If you do the readings, complete the workbook and join in some discussions, you could realistically improve your basic Bible understanding by many times.  Please check out the sign-up list in the gathering space and indicate which times might best work for you.  We will hopefully get started later this month.  (I just noticed yesterday that the workbooks are currently sold out, but we could start with the on-line version).

Calendars – St. Christopher’s new 2025 version available in gathering space.

Offering Envelopes for 2025 are available in the gathering space.

Locking Doors: If you enter through the east door of the social hall, please remember to lock the door after entering including deadbolt.  Also, the last one out of the building should check all the doors before departing.  It only takes a minute.  Thanks.

Homily Reflection:

In Matthews Gospel today we are told that upon seeing Mary with her child the three magi “prostrated themselves and did him homage.
Then they opened their treasures and offered him valuable gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”

  1. Since Christmas how have we encountered Jesus in a new way?  Were we humbled enough to give Jesus control of our lives?  What valuable gifts do we bring to Jesus and His Church since our new encounter?  The magi then “went home by a different way.”  After the joys of Christmas how do we return to our lives in a different way?

In the second reading today from Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, he tells the community that he was given by, revelation, the stewardship of God’s grace for their benefit.  A grace not known to previous generations.

  • As a result of learning to walk more faithfully in the light, what new revelation do you have that was not known to previous generations?  How is God calling you to share this great gift?  What new inspirations do your grandchildren need as they face the journey through 2025?

In the first reading today from Isaiah, he declares that nations will walk by the

light and kings by the radiance of Jerusalem.  This light will overcome the clouds of darkness scattered throughout the nations of the world.

  • If the Catholic Church is the New Jerusalem, how do we provide the light for our nation, the United States?  If we are sent to teach the nations, what lessons do the United States need most urgently? How does our light as Catholic Americans provide relief to those nations shrouded in darkness?   What is the nature of their darkness?


“Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.” 

St. Thomas More