Choose Life!! – A Message from the Office of Life, Justice and Peace – Diocese of Salt Lake City

Do you have two minutes to email your legislator today and urge him or her to respect every life?  Our priority bills will have their first votes this coming Monday and Tuesday.  Your voice is needed!

HB 147 Death Penalty Modifications Support. The bill will be heard in the House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee Monday, February 14. Please contact the members of this committee and urge them to support building a culture in our state that recognizes the value of every human life. For talking points and a sample letter, visit HERE

House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee Members:

HB 74 End of Life Prescription AmendmentsOppose.

This bill will be heard in House Health and Human Services Tuesday, Feb. 15.  Contact the members of the committee and urge their support for better health care that doesn’t encourage terminally ill patients to kill themselves rather than addressing their understandable fears and depression.  For talking points on the bill, look HERE.  Please be respectful in your emails. While we may disagree with supporters, this is a difficult and emotional issue for all involved.

Health and Human Services Committee Members:

H.B. 220 Pregnancy and Postpartum Medicaid Coverage Amendments: Support. We hope to see this bill on a House Health and Human Services committee agenda this coming week, so while you are urging opposition to HB 74, express your strong support for this bill to ensure new moms  have continued health care coverage during the first year with their newborn.