Fr. Rick’s Homily: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2/6/22
Is 6:1-8; Ps 138:1-8; 1 Cor 15:1-11; Lk 5:1-11
Thank you for your generous donations to our Community Outreach Account at last week’s 5th Sunday collection. We collected $972 which included the quarterly $542 donation from the AA group which is always earmarked for the Community Outreach Account. We have lately been donating certificates from Kanab Meats to the Food Bank which can be handed out to patrons on a regular basis. Food Bank has limited freezer space so this is a nice option.
No good deed goes unpunished…. Your envelopes have reminded you that this is the Sunday when we especially welcome contributions for our Repair and Improvement fund. Thank you in advance for your extraordinary generosity.
Today you are treated with not one, but TWO homilies. #1:…
In the gospel today Jesus is introducing a whole new kind of fishing. Interestingly, He does not tell the ‘soon-to-be’ disciples to get a new boat, to buy updated fishing equipment or even to switch lakes. He directs them to cast their nets in deeper water. When they do, the catch is almost more than they can pull in and haul in their boats. Even though they had worked very hard and were willing to concede their limited results for the day, Jesus stepped in and changed the whole scenario.
The great takeaway from this Gospel? Listen to Jesus and then go deep where He tells us. This is a great intro to our participation in the Synod on Synodality as well as the process of Eucharistic and Marriage Renewal which is currently on the worldwide planning docket. We can easily take for granted that we are living out the true meaning of synodality, Eucharist and Matrimony; however, regular renewals for deeper understanding should be expected. The Church is once again focusing a period of renewal on these great mysteries as a way of building up the Church and the Kingdom of God throughout the earth.
God has given most of us extra years in a beautiful, uncongested place. We are here to cultivate the spiritual space and the creativity needed to help shape the complicated world that we are passing along to our grandchildren. They deserve lives of genuine peace and joy.
The second homily:
Speaking of Joy….. I now want to share a few passages from a book** I have been reading from one of our younger Catholic stars, Chris Stephanick, who is a lay teacher, author and evangelizer. I say ‘younger’ as he is well into his 40’s and has six kids. Lots of life experience; still learning. He lives in Colorado.
This week I just so happened to be reading a chapter that specifically references the Gospel from today’s liturgy…
Read Pages 70 to 73.
**Living Joy: Nine Rules to Help You Rediscover and Live Joy Every Day, by Chris Stephanick. This is a great book to pass along to younger (and older) folks for an easy plan to live with greater awareness, peace and joy! Buy a couple and have them ready.