Fr. Rick’s Homily: Good Friday
Good Friday 2024
We end with Jesus seemingly dying alone, holding the grief and pain of the world. But, in this great Paschal Mystery we are assured that we will NOT die alone.
Mercifully, the Triduum began last evening with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper where we are called together in a transcended state of Union. Communion. Before we are given the Cup to drink, we are given the Body of Christ which will give us the strength to drink fully from the Cup of the Blood of Jesus. To do our part in bearing the sin and pain of the world.
When we genuinely are open to this level of Communion, our souls are fused together in a transcended state of union. This state of union is what our souls ultimately yearn for. This will be the experience of heaven where we are all in an unobstructed state of union with God and each other. Life Resurrected!
This is a bond deeper and fuller than any biological ties. Deeper than spousal ties, even. Deeper than ideological ties. This is the bond that keeps us from becoming tribal. It keeps us from becoming hopelessly fragmented and partisan and sectarian.
Sadly, we seem to be most open to this union in our deepest suffering, our darkest moments. Our grief. Our suffering and grief usually strip away our pretenses and disguises.
‘Naked came we into the world and naked we shall depart.’
‘Remember that you are dust and unto dust you shall return.’
And this is pretty much IT, ….. except for the RESURRECTION. In a very Paschal Mystery sort of way, it is our grief, our sorrow, that tends to prepare us for real JOY, ultimately in heaven, but also here on earth.
Read Chapter 2, The Cup of Sorrow from Can You Drink the Cup?, by Fr. Henri Nouwen………….
During this Triduum, we could especially join in solidarity with all the suffering that seems so prevalent in the world today. Our Communion enables us to hold this global cup of sorrow.