Fr. Rick’s Lenten/Easter Letter

March 8, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

Special greetings from St. Christopher’s Catholic Parish.  We are now past the halfway point of Lent and are hopefully feeling the graces that will surely come with our renewed emphasis on prayer, fasting and almsgiving.  In our new pandemic-shaded world we are perhaps more acutely aware of how much we are NOT in control.  In Christian World this state of unknowing and non-control is a great blessing.  God’s world is always much bigger and BETTER than the severely truncated world of human illusion and confusion.  Lent is a necessary corrective.  It’s time to let God be in control.

As we grow closer to Holy Week and Easter we can already begin to anticipate the new Life that awaits us as we let God be in charge.  Personally, I am more hopeful about the Catholic Church and our mission than I have ever been in my life.  As I observe and experience the many new opportunities for learning and inspiration that are now available in Catholic webinars and online conferences and retreats, it’s very possible to realize the new life that has come out of the devastation of the pandemic.  The resources that were likely available only to a relatively few attending a particular geographic venue are now available to anyone with a computer or smartphone.  Praise be to God!!  [Many such web-based opportunities are regularly featured on our St. Christopher’s website ( and pastoral messages].  Even our many young people, who have now so ‘famously’ left our Church, would have to admit the Catholic Church has a perspective with as much depth and breadth on any social issue as is available in our culture.  We can redirect them!

As we slowly recover our pre-pandemic Mass attendance numbers, please remember to call and stay connected with your fellow Catholics which is an essential part of ‘becoming ONE BODY, ONE SPIRIT in Christ’.  Our Eucharist is much bigger than just Sunday Mass!

Thank you for all your prayers, service and financial support that you provide to St. Christopher’s throughout the year(s).  We appreciate it now more than ever.  God bless you and may you enjoy a very Holy Lent and Happy Easter. 

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Fr. Rick Sherman

Sacramental Minister, Retired-in-Residence