Fr. Rick’s Pastoral Messages – 12/23/2020
Merry Christmas!!
1/ I’m sure I speak for the whole parish when I extend a huge THANK YOU to all who have decorated the church so nicely for Christmas, all those who donated flowers and of course, all the ministers who so faithfully serve at Mass and participate at our liturgies.
2/ Take and Read: A Journey into the Bible. Virtual Catholic Bible Study: January 8-10, 2021
This Free Bible Study course can help develop new study and prayer habits in the New Year.
3/ Is there someone you need to forgive this Christmas? For some new insights, check out this link from the Theology of the Body Institute:
4/ Pope Francis and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops urge Catholics to get vaccinated for the Corona-19 virus. They also want to assure us that the ethical concerns some have expressed about the development of the vaccines are mitigated by the potential benefits. Get vaccinated, please.