Fr. Rick’s Pastoral Messages 2/13/22

Choose Life!  See message from the Diocese of Salt Lake City’s Office of Life, Justice and Peace on our website.   Also, sign up for regular updates from the Prayer and Action Network:  This is one way we are able to focus in on how the voice of Jesus is really providing our interactions and decisions.  See homily questions below.

Synod on Synodality –

We are nearing the start of our listening sessions for the Synod.  Remember, the main idea is not so much for me to listen to you (although I will be closely) but more so that you listen to each other.  Let each other know what your concerns are regarding the Church and what you want from each other.  Again, please review the questions on the St. Christopher’s website (scroll down until you find them).  The first set of sessions for the first question will be held in the social hall on:

Thursday, March 10 at 1:30 PM and Sunday, March 13, after the 9:00 Mass

The second set of sessions for the second question will be on:

Thursday, March 24, at 1:30 PM and Sunday, March 27, after 9:00 Mass.

I know these dates won’t be convenient for everyone, but hopefully there will be a good turnout for the majority of parishioners and I can then schedule others at times that are more amenable.  As of yet I have had no volunteers to help facilitate or note take, so I will be doing it myself just to get things rolling.  Also, if you choose not to attend a live session you can share your thoughts and concerns by filling out a questionnaire that will be provided soon.

So, once again I encourage everyone to participate in the way that is best for you, but I will not be doing my Mexican Chihuahua routine and chase you around and nip at your heels.  Most of all I just want my report to the Dean and Bishop to reflect the actual interest of Kane County Catholics in the mission of the local and global Church. This will help with future planning and ministries. More to come…

Bishop’s Appeal, aka, the Diocesan Development Drive. Please send your donations in pronto before you divert your money into something more fun.  More on the DDD later.  It’s really important.  See Bishop Solis on

Reflection questions from today’s homily:

Both the first reading from the Prophet Jeremiah and the Psalm emphasize the need to know which voices and which leaders we are following.  The consequences are dire:

 “Cursed is the one who trusts in human beings,”

“…the wicked (and their followers) … are like chaff which the wind drives away.”

So, who are we following when we make moral or value laden judgements and decisions?  Think voting, use of natural resources, big ticket expenditures, conversations with people of different perspectives?  How do we know we are actually following Jesus in our day-to-day interactions and decisions?

The Psalm also tells us, “Blessed be the one who delights in the law of the LORD and meditates on his law day and night.”

What are our real prayer and meditation routines?  How do they keep us tuned into the voice and guidance of Jesus?  Who do we pray with and what are their prayer routines and habits?