Fr. Rick’s Pastoral Messages 2/27/22

Lenten Season:  This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and begins the season of Lent.  (Schedule on Bulletin Front Page).  Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for Catholics. In addition, Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of abstinence from meat.

For members of the Latin Catholic Church, the norms on fasting are obligatory from age 18 until age 59. When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full meal, as well as two smaller meals that together are not equal to a full meal. The norms concerning abstinence from meat are binding upon members of the Latin Catholic Church from age 14 onwards. Of course doctor’s orders should be adhered to.

Annual Collection for Black and Indian Missions will be taken up next weekend, 3/5-6.  These are missions in the United States, some of which are our neighbors in the SW.  Please be your usual generous selves.

Immediate Aid for Ukraine Refugees:  See Catholic Relief Services.

Kanab Knights:   This Sunday immediately after Mass the Kanab Knights will be holding their monthly meeting in the Library.  If there are men that may be interested in joining the Knights of the Roundtable, please come to the meeting.  Typically this is more of an informal meeting when compared to the usual Knights Council Meeting.  Our meeting starts with the Rosary and won’t last more than an hour.  Noel Poe, Coordinator.

Synod on Synodality – We are nearing the start of our listening sessions for the Synod.  Remember, the main idea is not so much for me to listen to you (although I will be closely) but more so that you listen to each other.  Let each other know what your concerns are regarding the Church and what you want from each other.  Again, please review the questions on the St. Christopher’s website (scroll down until you find them).

The first set of sessions for the first question will be held in the social hall on:

Thursday, March 10 at 1:30 PM and Sunday, March 13, after the 9:00 Mass

The second set of sessions for the second question will be on:

Thursday, March 24, at 1:30 PM and Sunday, March 27, after 9:00 Mass.

If you choose not to attend a live session you can share your thoughts and concerns by filling out a comment sheet that will be provided soon.

This week, please choose which question you would like to address at the first session and which question would you like to address at the second session.  Please see the link on the St. Christopher’s website for a copy of the questions and a comment sheet.  There are also a few hard copies in the gathering space.  This Sunday (and during the week) I will ask everyone to sign your name on a sign-up sheet and indicate which session you will attend and which question you would like to address.  I will then choose the most popular question to be discussed at the various sessions.  Also recall that at the second sessions you may offer a question of your own making.

Finally, I encourage everyone to participate in the way that is best for you.  Given our predominantly senior Catholic population, I hope we will feel strongly compelled to share the wisdom we have acquired over the many decades of our lives.  The world we are passing on to our grandchildren needs this wisdom.  The report I send to the Dean and Bishop should reflect the actual interest of Kane County Catholics in the mission of the local and global Church. This will help with future planning and ministries. Thank you in advance.

Homily Reflection Questions:  Recall last week’s distinctions between judging, admonishing, teaching and counseling.  This week again emphasizes the distinction between teaching and judging.  “No disciple is superior to the teacher; but when fully trained, every disciple will be like his teacher.” Lk 6:41

Who are we currently teaching?  How were we “fully” trained?  Who were our teachers?