Fr. Rick’s Pastoral Messages 3/13/22
Pastoral Messages from Fr. Rick 3-13-22
Lenten Season: Remember that all Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence from meat for all Catholics 14 years of age and older.
Immediate Aid for Ukraine Refugees: See Catholic Relief Services.
Help Needed at Care and Share on Tuesday, March 15. A truck will be arriving between 10:30 and 11:00 AM to be unloaded. 56 W. 450 N., Kanab.
Synod on Synodality – We have begun our listening sessions for the Synod. Remember, the main idea is not so much for me to listen to you (although I will be listening closely) but more so that you listen to each other. Let each other know what your concerns are regarding the Church and what you want from each other. Again, please review the questions on the St. Christopher’s website (scroll down until you find them). Hard copies available in gathering space.
The second set of sessions for the second question will be on: Thursday, March 24, at 1:30 PM and Sunday, March 27, after 9:00 Mass
Remember you can also submit a question of your own making for the second session.
If you choose not to attend a live session you can share your thoughts and concerns by filling out a comment sheet that are provided in the gathering space.
If several would like to participate in a live session, but cannot meet at the scheduled time, please let me know and I will try to schedule an alternate time.
Spring Ahead: Daylight Savings Time begins at 2:00 AM on March 13.
Strengthen your Lenten Prayer with Lectio Divina: See our website:
CRS Rice Bowls are available at the entrance of the church. We will also be taking up the annual collection for Catholic Relief Services on March 27th.
Building our Tents – Luke 9:33 – In today’s Gospel, in the midst of an overpowering image of Jesus in some incredibly glorified state, Peter makes the suggestion to make three tents, one for Jesus, one for Moses and one for Elijah. The passage then adds that Peter did not know what he was saying. It does seem like a rather curious thing to say at such a spectacular and mysterious moment. A better translation for ‘tents’ might be ‘booths’ or ‘huts’ as Peter was most likely referring to the Feast of Booths which God directed the Israelites to celebrate every year during the time of harvest. It was a time of joyous celebration as the Israelites recalled God’s continued provision for them in the current harvest and remembered His provision and protection during the 40 years in the wilderness.
Peter seemed overwhelmed by the whole incident. Perhaps in such a mysterious state he immediately reached back in his memory for something more familiar, something more stable and predictable. Being around Jesus regularly provided these moments of downright awe and even terror. Their world was constantly being opened up to a more transcendent reality for which we were all made in the first place.
Have we ever done such a thing or ever had such an experience? In a moment of total awe at the beauty and majesty of one of these beautiful canyons, did we every ‘see’ into eternity for just a second and then quickly catch ourselves in such a mysterious and vulnerable moment? Did we lurch to something tangible, trying to identify a certain species of cactus or consider the age of the rocks under our feet? Did we ever unexpectedly happen across the one who just might have been the ‘love of our life’ and immediately dismissed such foolishness… then continued to look for the frozen pizzas that were on sale…but never forgot that moment even thirty years later? Too good to be true…
Have we ever noticed Jesus staring right back at us during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and then quickly resumed our litany of familiar prayers and then rushed right out of the church?
God is everywhere.