Fr. Rick’s Pastoral Messages 5/14/23

Also, on Mothers’ Day

Kanab’s Amazing EarthFest (Note change of venue) will be featuring a screening of “The Letter”, which is a short film on Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si, “Care of Our Common Home”.  The screening will take place at the Kanab Public Library at 5:45 PM. followed by a short discussion moderated by Fr. Rick Sherman.  Many of St. Christopher’s parishioners participated in a reading and discussion of the actual encyclical back in 2019, so perhaps we can contribute some helpful insights.  All are invited.  Please come (perhaps after walking off the above breakfast and a short nap).

Motherhood Done Right: Pro-Life BEFORE Pregnancy – Now that our Lenten practices have helped us remove the stones blocking our resurrected experience, we are more prepared to support our Catholic Pro-Life mission in the world.  With our deeper spiritualities we can more credibly teach about integrating our body, mind and spirit.  This is central to experiencing the fullness of life that Jesus has promised those who live in the Spirit.  Please check out the Theology of the Body Institute’s website to see how to help teens live more fully out of a deeper part of their souls.  This is good stuff and helps us rise above the polarized confusion about not just abortion, but sexuality in general. Our children and grandchildren deserve a better vision of life.  

Senior Activity Center – Please see the flyers in the gathering space to discover the many activities offered to seniors in our area.

Share the Fun:  Remember that we are a ‘Hospitality Parish’ with a major outreach to our many visitors. Please sign up to help host our Sunday morning Coffee and Muffin gathering. Sign up list is in the gathering space.

Next Week:  Annual Collection for Catholic Communication Campaign.  See insert

Thank YOU all for keeping things running smoothly during my month-long road trip, retreat and vacation.  I’ll try to be especially nice to people the next couple weeks.  Fr. Rick

Homily Reflection Questions: Jot down some ideas now and expound later…

Acts 8:5-8   When have you felt most paralyzed in your life?  Fear or sadness?  Who helped to ‘cure’ you?  How do you now share that experience with others?  How might a spiritual awakening have been part of the process?

1 Ptr. 3:15-16    Who in your circle of relationships most needs to hear a convincing message of hope?  How have you tempted to be an advocate of hope to them?  How did your sense of genuine empathy and gentleness (or lack thereof) contribute to the person’s condition?

Jn. 14:18-21 When have you felt most abandoned or ‘orphaned’ by God?  How did you experience an increased closeness with God after improving your obedience to a certain commandment?  What or who now helps to keep you faithful?