Fr. Rick’s Pastoral Messages 8-13-20
Fr. Rick’s Pastoral Messages for 8-13-20
1/ Saturday August 15th is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This liturgy will be celebrated at the 8:00 AM Mass. Recall that we can usually accommodate up to 28 people.
2/ The Office of the Bishop and the Office of Stewardship and Development from the Diocese of Salt Lake City have partnered to make a focused appeal for all parishioners to practice our much needed stewardship in these very challenging times. See the Bishop’s statement on our website and help as you can. “NOW MORE THAN EVER” Please consider a first time or additional gift as is possible. Sometimes it might be easy to think that because we are 300 miles away from the Diocesan Pastoral Center that we do not receive many benefits from the Diocese. However, consider that our resident priest receives a pension that is managed and organized by employees and ministers of the Diocese. We receive incalculable services for administrative expertise in maintaining a sound financial condition, a safe premises, compliance with personnel regulations as well as maintaining adequate insurance coverage. Grant writers at the Diocese helped to procure substantial funding for the renovation of our church. If you could only contribute $1 or $5 it would show that you recognize the collective nature of our Church mission and the larger implications of Stewardship. Bless you!!
3/ Thank you for keeping in touch with each other and maintaining a strong aspect of community love and support even in our somewhat limiting situation. As always, if anyone would like to talk to me personally for any reason, leave a message at the parish office and I will get in touch with you pronto.