New Mass Protocols, May 4, 2020

Beginning Monday, May 4, St. Christopher’s will offer Mass for a maximum of 20 persons at each Mass. We will continue to celebrate Mass at 8:00 AM Monday through Saturday. Sunday Masses will be celebrated at the 5:30 PM Saturday Vigil, and on Sunday at 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM. All persons are required to wear a mask in order to attend and additional instructions will be given at Mass. Any Mass that you attend during the week will satisfy your Sunday obligation. As always, the greatest concern is for each person’s health and safety, thus it it up to each person to make the decision that is best for them and the community. There will be no gathering before or after Mass; safe distancing guidelines of six feet between persons are even more important during these relaxed rules.

More instructions will be given during the week to predetermine who will attend each particular Mass on the weekend. The 20 person limit is not expected to present any type of problem at weekday Masses.