Pastoral Message from Fr. Rick 4-23-2020

  1. This weekend is Home Mission Sunday and we ask you to contribute to this annual appeal. Home mission dioceses are those in the United States, its territories, and former territories that cannot provide basic pastoral services to Catholics without outside help. Basic pastoral services include mass and other sacraments, religious education, and ministry training for priests, deacons, religious sisters, and lay people. Right now, over 40% of the dioceses are considered home missions. For more info go to: You can mail in your contributions or bring them to the office during the week. THANK YOU!
  2. So far we have no definite time period for when we will return to a common experience of Mass and other parish activities. We are hoping for some sort of incremental phase-in of activities around the first of May, but with no guarantees. Bishop Solis is following the timing suggestions of Governor Herbert in order to proceed with an abundance of caution, but to also optimize our community and economic needs. I will keep you informed of all significant updates.
  3. We will soon be offering, probably the week of May 11th, a short 8-session Bible Study called Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible. This study will cover the major events of Salvation History using DVD’s, color-coded timeline charts and user-friendly student guides. Probably 6 to 10 people may be able to meet in the parish hall by then and watch the presentations together on our new big screen smart TV. We also have the option of streaming the sessions on a home computer or smart phone. This will be a wonderful way to study and pray together (even while we are apart) and to fuel that “burning in our hearts.” Cost of a student kit is $25. If the current situation has you a little short of this cost, the parish can provide some scholarships. I will keep in touch about the specifics.
  4. Thank you all again for your ongoing financial support of our parish and diocese, even during our altered schedule. Our expenses pretty much stay the same during this period so you are helping us avoid a bigger hole out of which we would have to dig. Bless you!
  5. Please give each other a call on a regular basis so we can keep in touch and help meet each other’s basic needs for sustenance and community. Please don’t hesitate to call the office if you would like to talk to me personally for anything.
  6. Remember to visit our website regularly for any updates and visit “” for regular live-streamed Masses and other helpful resources.