Pastoral Messages from Fr. Rick, 2-18-2021

THANK YOU in advance.  As Lent begins we will be reminded again and again and again that this is the season which focuses on prayer, fasting and alms giving.  Holy Mother Church aspires to help you with all three throughout the season.  You will notice a preponderance of special collections which are our regular outreaches to the most vulnerable throughout the world.  Most of you have also received your annual pledge card for the annual Bishop’s Appeal (a.k.a. The Diocesan Development Drive).  This is an extraordinarily generous community so I will just encourage you to be your usual generous selves.  Please take the time to read the literature that is provided for each collection to get a more complete picture of what the Church is doing throughout the world and to feel some of the graces of your generosity.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Please join us for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament each Thursday afternoon from 4:00 to 5:00.  This will be a time of silent prayer which ends with benediction.  Please bring your take-home missalettes which contain the order of service for Adoration.  You can stay for the whole hour or just a few minutes.  Let us join Jesus in His ongoing quest to find a quiet place to pray and find the regeneration that is especially needed in these stressful times.

Stations of the Cross will be observed at St. Christopher’s on Fridays during Lent at 6:00 PM.  Please join us in this solemn memorial of the Lord’s great love for us.

A Lenten Journey with Mary, Virtual Lenten Retreat ‘A Lenten Journey with Mary: On Suffering, A Catholic Perspective’ is the title of this year’s MI Utah Virtual Lenten Retreat. It will take place on Saturday, February 27th from 10:00am to 1:00pm (MST) Join us for Liturgy of the Hours, inspiring talks and breakout groups, online adoration, and more! FREE with donations being accepted for the Father Kolbe Missionaries. For more information and to register contact Donna @

Theology of the Body Virtual Retreat – February 27, 2021.   BE GENUINELY PRO-LIFE !!

Guide to Confession from Knights of Columbus    –