Pastoral Messages from Fr. Rick

Pastoral Messages from Fr. Rick 12-31-20


2/  Thank you for your very generous donations for Christmas and throughout the year.  Although we are having to reconsider our budgeting plan, we have avoided any near-term disastrous scenario due to the extraordinary generosity and care of our parishioners and patrons. God bless you!

3/  Recall that Pope Francis has declared 2021 as the Year of St. Joseph.  His Apostolic Letter Patris Corde  can be found by clicking the above link or see our website for the link as well.  This proclamation was made on the 150th Anniversary of the St. Joseph being named the Patron of the Universal Church.  A careful and reflective read of this Letter, including the many biblical-based and other footnotes, can be a great meditation for starting a new year.

4/  Please know that we are keeping everyone daily in our prayers and look forward to when we can all start meeting again in person.  I am also available for a phone or safe-distanced church visit as needed.  If you leave a message at the parish office, I will get back with you shortly.

5/  Feast of the Epiphany – The Magi brought precious gifts from afar of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  Gold for a King, frankincense offered fin a sacrifice by the High Priest to God, and myrrh used as a perfume in a burial preparation of a body.  These gifts in one way or another indicated who Jesus was to the Magi:  King; High Priest; and a Human who would die.

Who is Jesus to you?  How would you explain your encounter with Jesus this Christmas after your Advent preparations?

After careful consideration, what precious gifts might you bring to Jesus that would identify who Jesus is to you?