Pastoral Messages from Fr. Rick – 7/2/21
INDEPENDENCE!! This weekend as we celebrate our nation’s independence we can easily acknowledge that we are still very much a ‘work in progress.’ It’s also a good time to honestly acknowledge that we are Catholics first and Americans second. There is no combination of smart people on either ‘side of the aisle’, no professors, CEO’s, scientists, movie producers or journalistic critics who can lead us to a genuine place of ‘liberty and justice for all.’ Our founding documents acknowledge the central place of God (whatever that meant to them at the time) in our national vision. Our Scriptures remind us that without Jesus we can do nothing. Today’s gospel reminds us that God is not here to conform to our ways. From America the Beautiful: ‘America, America, God mend thine every flaw. Confirm Thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law.’
Preparing for Sunday Mass: Please consider reading the Sunday Scripture readings a day or two before coming to Mass. If you have a study bible try to read all the footnotes that describe a little more about the reading. This will improve your experience at Mass immeasurably and maybe even help you understand the homily better. AND, please note that the Sunday homily is usually posted on the parish website by the end of the weekend or at least by Monday… if one were tempted to review it. AND, maybe even discuss it with a friend.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Please join us on Thursdays from 4:00 – 5:00 PM for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament ending with benediction. This form of group silent prayer is a very powerful statement of our faith in a God who is calling us together as one. If we give God the time to more deeply penetrate our souls, we will eventually learn how to see each ‘with the eyes of our hearts’ despite what our brains and wills might be saying to us.
Covid 19 Protocols As of May 26, 2021, Bishop Solis informed us of the relaxing of some Covid-19 restrictions. The elimination of all restrictions will be completed in phases as deemed most appropriate by the bishop to ensure the optimal safety of those who attend our services and activities. Look for updates.
MASKS ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED AT MASS; however, you may wear a mask if you feel your health is compromised.
We are still maintaining safe distancing as much as possible as ushers attempt to seat individuals and groups appropriately. Please follow all instructions by ushers and their assistants.
Only the BODY of Christ will be ministered at Communion. Communicants may receive Communion on the tongue, however some extra sanitizing will be required between communicants. Thank you for your patience.
Hymnals and missalettes are now back in the pews.
As of the weekend of June 5-6, 2021 the dispensation from personal attendance at Sunday mass has ended. All Catholics will be expected to comply with the 3rd Commandment to Keep Holy the Sabbath. Again, if someone feels that their health is compromised by attending public Mass where people are not wearing masks, they may continue to attend Mass via Streaming Device. If you are going to restaurants or shopping where you are in close quarters with others, then you probably should be in Mass also. Also remember that weekday Masses usually have only 5 to 15 people in attendance and one can substantially safe-distance with ease.